At YOURgb we’re passionate about the environment and we’re raising our game to protect it. We have officially become Carbon Neutral! Great! But what does that actually mean? YOURgb now tracks our carbon emissions (aka carbon footprint) and we offset them all using verified carbon offsetting projects. This also means that, in theory, we neutralise […]

Every day is Earth Day at YOURGB Events

Hello! I am Tom, a recent addition to YOURGB, joining the team as an Event & Sustainability Coordinator just in time for Earth Day 2022 on April 22nd. It’s exciting to be starting this new adventure in the time of post-pandemic events emergence and the ever-increasing importance of climate action. EVENT COORDINATOR IN TRAINING I’ve […]

YOURGB Is Going Green!

At YOURGB, we all try and make a conscious effort to use products or live in a way that is more sustainable to love and care for our planet. In the current ‘new normal’ we are living in, we are seeing a lot more waste with disposable masks, having to rely on plastic cups and […]

Opting for a Greener Business

Sustainability is the subject that is at the top of everyone’s agenda right now – and it isn’t going anywhere. It’s becoming more and more apparent that there’s a real need to take personal action and responsibility in becoming more sustainable in everyday life if we want to protect our gorgeous planet. Although most of […]

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