YOURGB orchestrated the inaugural Playbill Fringeship Showcase, a groundbreaking event that transformed The Ambassador Ambition Ship from the USA, into a floating theatre during the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Curating a diverse and incredible lineup of captivating acts, we welcomed an exclusive audience of over 600 onboard guests to witness an unforgettable evening of live performance.
From conceptualisation to execution, our team oversaw every detail, utilising our theatre, producer and performing artist contact, to secure the ideal host and live performers while navigating technical intricacies and logistical nuances of performing on board a large cruise ship. Our meticulous coordination ensured a seamless experience for all involved, resulting in rave reviews from both guests and artists alike.
YOURGB Services Provided
Target demographic research
Event design and planning
Post event evaluation
Creative concept design
Event managers
Production managers
VIP and act managers
Production running orders
Stage & set design
Audio Visual
Show Calling
Risk Assessment and Method Statements
Event Documentation
Guest speakers and hosts
Musicians and performance artists
"YOURGB was a great partner with the first-ever Playbill FringeShip. The Edinburgh Fringe Festival Showcase they produced and curated was a highlight not only for the guests that stayed onboard, but for the Playbill audience through our editorial and social media coverage. We look forward to collaborating with YOURGB again in the future”