NEW YEAR, NEW ME! We have all heard or said this at some point, and we have all probably believed it! Well at least until the end of January. But between work commitments, friends and let’s be honest those dark winter days – it is easy to forget about all our good resolutions and fall back into old habits.

So, in order to help the whole team achieve a comfortable work-life balance, we set ourselves a day by day challenge for the entire month of February. One team member took an individual action every day to either continue a good habit or to create a new one.

After 20 challenging days, 20 recorded habits on socials, and so many behind the scene memories, we can proudly say that Team YOURGB did it!

Reflecting back on the month, it reminded us all of how important it is to look after ourselves and more importantly each other!

Why don’t you try and challenge yourself? (We can’t recommend it more!) For some inspiration we have noted down a few of our favourite challenges from February:


  • Drink more water
  • Walk to work, during lunch breaks or to client meetings rather than taking the car
  • Replace unhealthy snacks with fruit (Except for brainstorms on Pancake Day, of course!)
  • Weekly team yoga for some zen
  • Make time to exercise, it helps clear your mind and release endorphins


  • Take time to write a weekly to do list to keep you organised and stress free
  • Make the most of team meetings to realise that you have a support network
  • When you can, leave on time to spend some well-deserved ‘me’ time
  • Having lunch away from your computer will help productivity

Most of our actions were focused around a more balanced team, but what we highly underrated was the extent to which these small actions would bring benefits to our business as a whole. From higher energy to increased productivity, we experienced the benefits of taking effective breaks, spending time (as a team or individually) getting organised and supporting each other to have a healthy life inside and outside of the office.

We are now fully motivated to keep on with our new habits and to maintain our balance! Team YOURGB hopes that this initiative will inspire you to look after your wellbeing in your own environment and routine, setting your own goals to achieve your ideal work-life balance.

Make sure to check our social media and Instagram highlight to catch up on our last month.

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