My Internship Experience | A Summer with YOURGB

Hi! I’m Lily and I started my summer internship with YOURGB at the beginning of June which involves me working 3 days a week in their office in the centre of Edinburgh!  I have just finished my second year of university studying Festival and Event Management which I am enjoying so far. The opportunity to […]

It’s Sorry Not Sorry, this International Women’s Day

YOURGB photo with the mums

Insights into the life of a working woman – and mother of two. By Amy (Head of Events) It’s almost International Women’s Day, I’m here, bleary-eyed blog writing thinking about putting my coffee in the microwave for the 3rd time. My 4 year old is home ‘sick’ from nursery but his energy levels seem to […]

Edinburgh Fringe Festival | Top Tips & Survival Tricks

Hello blog readers and festival goers near and far and welcome to my wee blog!  So, I’m Rachael and I am the new Creative Administrator here at YOURgb. It’s safe to say I am absolutely buzzing that the Edinburgh Fringe is approaching! I come from a performance background myself, having previously trained in Musical Theatre, […]


As much as the name sounds as though the team are heading into combat, the Battlebox is YOURgb’s most trusted on-site companion, holding a treasure trove of useful items for any event. From cable ties to tape, USB sticks to glitter paint pens – it has it all! To highlight its importance when the team […]

That’s a wrap on Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2022!

Hallelujah! After a rather bonkers hiatus in 2020 and a ‘needs-must’ stripped back version of celebrations in 2021, this year the Edinburgh Fringe Festival returned to Edinburgh in all its glory, and team YOURGB couldn’t have been more delighted. Read on to let us dip your toe into ‘fringey’ waters by joining us on a […]

Raising the Bar…

Pun fully intended! YOURGB would like to give a big shout out to all of the wonderful Bartenders out there. Where would we be without you..?! THE ART OF BARTENDING Bartending is an art, and it’s an important one. Bartenders are at the centre point of many of the wonderful brands we work with, and […]

Hot Off the Presses! How to Promote Your Event

Here at YOURGB, events and experiences are our core focus, and what forms an important part of the success of our activities is marketing. We work with clients to strategise, create and enhance market awareness of their company, brands, products and services. Front and foremost we are event specialists that are exceptional at increasing event […]

Let’s Talk About Tech, Baby

Through being appointed to Scotland E.P.I.C. (Event Producer’s Independent Committee) I have been able to have open and honest conversations with colleagues across the live events industry, specifically focussed on the impact that COVID-19 is having on us all. I have also been supporting the DLP (Destination Leadership Programme) by providing insights into event and […]


NEW YEAR, NEW ME! We have all heard or said this at some point, and we have all probably believed it! Well at least until the end of January. But between work commitments, friends and let’s be honest those dark winter days – it is easy to forget about all our good resolutions and fall […]

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